JohnZoidy's homepage

My landing and web experience

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Welcome to JohnZoidy GitHub Page

Hi! I’m glad to see you there!

At this page you can observe my landing experience, while I’m learning landing. Also you can see my other projects below:


Burning man - my first landing. Based on Lesson and Figma maket.

Gravity - my second landing. Based on Lesson and Figma maket.


There’s two categories - my sudent projects and my own. I’m finished Hexlet online programming school to Frontend-developer. You can see this:

Hexlet student projects:

Project #1 - Brain games. It’s a simple CLI games kit, based on JS.

Project #2 - Diff generator. Compares 2 JSON or YAML files and build a diff tree. CLI application on JS.

Project #3 - RSS aggregator. SPA that collects RSS feeds and listening it for updates. Based at DOM API with AJAX. Deployed on Vercel (live demo).

Project #4 - Real-time chat. Simple real-time chat with possibilities to create channels, LogIn and SignUp. Based on Bootstrap 5, React, Redux Toolkit, web-socket. Backend part presented by Hexlet. Deployed at Heroku (live demo).

My own projects:

React-pizza - pizza shop example. Used: React (with hooks), Redux, JS, TS, React-router, REST (requests from mockAPI), scss, webpack. Thanks to ArchakovBlog for great React course! Demo deployed on Vercel.

Test tasks from different companies:

Test task at Frontend intern in Mindbox. Simple ToDo application - test task for intern position in Mindbox. Code on GitHub

Test task at Frontend junior in FunBox. Cards with adaptive landing, based on React, HTML and CSS - test task for junior position in FunBox. Code on GitHub

Test task at Junior Frontend Developer (React) in Jupiter-soft. Cards with adaptive landing, based on React, HTML and CSS with sort and delete possibilities - test task for junior position in Jupiter-soft. Code on GitHub

Test task at Frontend intern in Only. Simple accordeon list at vanilla JS and CSS - test task for intern position in Only. Code on GitHub